《玫瑰的故事》 The Tale of Rose – A strong character development drama

《玫瑰的故事》 “The Tale of Rose” tells the life-changing journey of a young woman from her early 20s to her 40s as she experiences many difficult romantic relationships.

Modern-setting TV dramas rarely spark my interest. 《玫瑰的故事》 “The Tale of Rose” only caught my attention because of the main female lead. I really liked her in 《去有风的地方》 “Meet Yourself”, so when another slice-of-life modern setting show popped up with her as the female lead, I gave it a try.

《去有风的地方》 Meet Yourself – A brilliant healing drama that is excellent for Chinese learners

《去有风的地方》 “Meet Yourself” tells the story of a big-city worker who escapes to a rural village to find peace and tranquillity. She quickly discovers that life in an agricultural village isn’t as peaceful as she had imagined and is soon entangled in the lives of the local villagers and other city workers who, like her, had escaped to the village in search of peace and quiet.

This is my drama modern slice-of-life drama of all time; read my review to find out the way!