《玫瑰的故事》 The Tale of Rose – A strong character development drama

《玫瑰的故事》 “The Tale of Rose” tells the life-changing journey of a young woman from her early 20s to her 40s as she experiences many difficult romantic relationships.

Modern-setting TV dramas rarely spark my interest. 《玫瑰的故事》 “The Tale of Rose” only caught my attention because of the main female lead. I really liked her in 《去有风的地方》 “Meet Yourself”, so when another slice-of-life modern setting show popped up with her as the female lead, I gave it a try.

Minami Lane – An adorable management game for Chinese learners

I discovered Minami Lane through social media shortly after the game’s initial release. Minami Lane is an adorable, cosy, and simple management game set in a Japanese-inspired street.

At the end of May, the developers released version 1.1, which contained many quality-of-life changes and a language update. The language update included Simplified Chinese, French, German and Japanese.

The lovely developers of Minami Lane kindly gifted me this game to play in Chinese, and I’m going to share my thoughts on it and why it’s a great game to play in Chinese.

《拜托了,别宠我》 Please Don’t Spoil Me – A transmigration drama with all the tropes

Webnovel author Yan Yi Yi wakes up as the evil support character of her novel who is destined to be banished to the cold palace. She tries everything she can to avoid this tragic ending but is soon told by the book official that the story must flow according to the original plot, or else she will be obliterated.

Yan Yi Yi finds herself trying to maintain the original plot while trying to avoid a bad ending for herself.

… And soon, she starts to fall in love with the emperor.

《一不小心和醋精结婚了》 by 一枚纽扣 – An approachable modern webnovel for Chinese learners

Longer webnovels are not the type of approachable content that I recommend to an intermediate Chinese learner because the length is often overwhelming, and the feeling of an endless journey could result in demotivation.

However, 《一不小心和醋精结婚了》is a longer webnovel that I would recommend for an intermediate learner and for many good reasons.

Read on to find out why.

Dordogne《田园记》- An indie game with Chinese voice over

I am always on the lookout for suitable games for a Chinese learner, and when I came across Dordogne on Steam, I was surprised to see a tick next to Chinese for full audio. Does that mean there’s Chinese audio in this game made by a French company? Could it be a mistake?

I quickly discovered it was no mistake; there really are Chinese voice-acted scenes. This is my first time seeing a non-Chinese indie game that includes Chinese voice acting!

《进阶的主母》Wise Woman – A drama about revenge with an interesting setting

This is an approachable Chinese drama for an intermediate-level Chinese learner. The language used is generally simple, with strong historical language in some speech. The plot is easy to follow after the initial few episodes; therefore, full comprehension isn’t required.